WaterThe Village maintains a water system that provides water to Village residents. The water is extracted from a well, and treated to remove certain chemicals and add others. The Village regularly sends water samples for testing to verify that the water meets or exceeds Federal and State safety standards.
Annual Water Quality Report---------------------
Mailing & Calling ListThe Village Clerk maintains an active mailing and calling list of Village residents for the purposes of billing notifications and water alerts. Please email clerk@gilbertsvilleny.gov, with your contact information (Name, Physical Address, Mailing Address, E-mail, and Preferred Phone Number) to be added to this list.
The Village of Gilbertsville does not spam residents or provide your contact information to third parties except where required by law or court order. |
BillingWater Bills are sent out four times per year (quarterly) in January, April, July, and October. Each water meter is billed separately. The bill is made up of three parts:
Unpaid water bills receive a 10% late fee, and if not received by the end of the fiscal year are sent to the county to be applied to property tax billing from the county. To avoid this fee, please pay your water bill on time. |
Water Alerts
In the event of a boil water advisory or other safety alert, the Village will contact individuals on the Mailing & Calling List, post the safety notice in the Village Post Office, and whatever method is required by Federal, State, or County law.
Providing a preferred phone number, email, and mailing address is the most effective method to make sure you are notified of any safety alert.
Providing a preferred phone number, email, and mailing address is the most effective method to make sure you are notified of any safety alert.
Meter ReadingWater meters are read quarterly. Some meters are read electronically. Others are read physically by a Village official. For questions related to your meter or meter readings, please send an email to info@gilbertsvilleny.gov, or call the Village office.
Treating & TestingThe water beneath the Village is naturally high in manganese. A removal process is employed between the well and your home to extract manganese to meet State and Federal requirements. In addition to removing manganese, standard disinfecting and treatment chemicals are added to the water per State and Federal guidelines.
Various testing, per State and Federal guidelines, is performed regularly on Village water samples. In the event of an abnormal water testing result, see the Water Alerts section above. Testing results are available for public review. For questions about treatment or testing, please send an email to dpw@gilbertsvilleny.gov. To review a particular water testing report, please send an email to info@gilbertsvilleny.gov. |
Last Updated: 2023-Jul-15