Fellow Residents,
The intent of this post is to share my general thoughts on the state of Village finances. To make it plain, I am dissatisfied with our financial controls at the Village. We must do better. There are many reasons for this, and no one person, or group of people is to blame. The past is behind us, and this is a problem that needs to be addressed for the future. We now have Bernie Delaney as our Clerk-Treasurer, and she is working hard to get our accounting caught up and compliant with County, State, and Federal regulations. I have every confidence in her ability to get us to where we need to be, and the Village will be in a much better position as a result of her efforts. I have asked Bernie to prioritize getting our books caught up and reporting correctly over practically everything else. She is working with the software firm who developed our accounting program in this effort. This is my first goal and priority as Mayor. Without effective and accurate accounting, the Village is at unnecessary risk in a variety of ways, and working without a critical tool for effective decision making. We will develop a better understanding of our revenues and expenses, strengthen our budget estimates, and evaluate where cost savings can be created. If you disagree with this being the A#1 priority project for the Village or, anything else discussed here, I'd like to hear from you. Please send me an email with your thoughts. [email protected] Thank you, Nate Talbot Comments are closed.